CAROL IN MY LIFE from sara fine
In the middle of a sleepless night, the time for bad thoughts and irrational fears, my worst one is: What would I do without Carol?
Who would tell us when to change the clocks?
Who would explain Israel's weather to me (i.e., it never rains after Purim).
Who else is my best shopping buddy, my best "come out and play" buddy?
And who else is there who worries about me?
Who else makes me chicken soup and tuna sandwiches?
Who gives me advice in difficult situations and even tells me what to say?
Who else tells me what not to wear (no socks with sandals, ever!)?
Who is my true family in Israel, my Israeli next of kin?
Who else remembers my birthday and knows the names of all my grandkids?
Who else can I call from the road when I need help -- right now?
Who else searches the internet for me and always finds the answer?
Who else would I put as number one on my cell phone and emergency list?
Who else in Israel comes from the same shtetle?
`` Who else understand about my family -- without needing an explanation?
Who else leaves a hole in my life when she goes to the States?
Without Carol in my life, I would feel lost in translation. With Carol in my life, Israel makes sense.
Happy birthday with much love from Sara and Paul. Be well and happy.