Dear Carol,
Has it been almost 38 years since that first meeting? A plate of brownies that arrived on a motorcycle for my 4 kids and Neale? All your hints on how to study and learn Hebrew. It didn't help much, I guess I didn't have the drive you had.
Can you believe we are 70? Where did all those years go? We were so young. Looking back there were lots of Rosh Hashanah's when the kids were young, Michael waiting in ambush with water balloons as the kids got out of the car, Jed being the babysitter for David with the sand pile in front of the house and Craig joining in on the water war. And then when they were in the army and more Rosh Hashanah with the Goulds and the Elias's and the Katz's.
Do you remember that wonderful weekend when we froze to death in that little apt you had with Sheryl you and me sitting around the electric heaters and not moving the whole of the afternoon?
And then you said that I had to go with you to London to register for school cuz I was the one who said you had to do it now if you were going to do it at all. We stayed at a student hotel while you looked for an apt to rent. And we went to the ballet dressed in corduroys because that is how students dress. The first time I went to theatre not dressed up. We do it all the time now.
There are hundreds of things I can think of that we did together and all the times we supported each other in our lives. Thank you for being my best friend.
Our tiyulim have not ended with Alaska and Cuba, we still have South Africa to do.
I could go on forever but you and I know all the conversations, lunches, and support. Especially that Sunday morning that you were on your way to give your sister support with Joe dying and instead you postponed your trip for 2 days so you could be with me the day that Neale died. Thank you for taking over. I couldn't have done it alone.
We won't have another forty years but here's to another 10 or 20 years together.