Craig Elias
Safta turns 70 and we say Hooray! We gather online, in the desert, or Skype We’ll celebrate, cheer, sing, dance and shout as we all wish for Safta a big Happy Birthday!!!
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Mike Elias
Sitting down to write something on your 70th birthday while I am 45 begins to put things in perspective - lifetimes… Rummaging through the pictures and letters, a trait earned from you, biting into a chocolate chip cookie - remembrances and images pop up (Joyce fans will understand). I chose to write highlights and moments of your memories, picked up by me over the years
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Amit Elias
You are the best, fun, amazing safta anyone can ever wish for. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you more than ever
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Gefen Elias
I remember when you use to tell me stories before bed
You are the best cook ever; I especially like your spaghetti with meatballs...
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Noam Elias
Oh safta the time went by so fast
I wish we can spend more time together
Happy happy happy birthday
Safta I remember the time we went to buy cloth, I miss that
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Rom Elias
Dear Safta, Well, what to say? That you are the best? That you make that BEST macaroni and cheese in the world? That you are the coolest Safta? That you are funny and fun? That you are the best Safta in the world and I am proud to be your grandaughter?
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Rose & Ron Novak
That is Carol’s legacy. A wonderful, intelligent, sensitive, nurturing woman who has produced a family infused with her unique qualities
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